Monday, May 30, 2011

INTERVIEW: Sound The Ruin

GENRE: Texas Chaos
LABEL: Unsigned 
BIO: The craziest 5 musicianaries you will meet, Sound The Ruin strives to restore
a broken world through hardcore music and the scene that is so desperate for 
authentic love. 
INFLUENCES: Norma Jean, The Chariot, Johnny Cash

Q. How did you guys get started?

A.Craigslist! Haha. Our first drummer had been emailing me every 6-9 months for around 3 years to start a band just like what Sound The Ruin is, finally we met up to talk about it. He, Grant and I had a conversation at a Starbucks and immediately we all fell in love with the Vision of Sound The Ruin. We then met our original guitarist and went from there. Now almost a year later and 9 members in,

here we are! 
Q. Can you describe Sound The Ruin's sound?
A.Texas Chaos is the simple answer. But more in depth, I think you could say we are chaotic hardcore-influenced music. Panic chord, panic chord. Chug chug chug chug, ONE LINER! Haha.

Q. Are their any bands/musicians that have inspired your music?
A. Haha, Well most people could guess. The Chariot, Norma Jean, Johnny Cash, etc
Q. Do you have a favorite song to play at shows?
A.WHITE FLAGGG!!! Its our first song and we get pretty stoked at shows, so it's fun to finally be up there playing. Also Victory cause I get to pretend that I can actually play guitar and the end. And it's fun to see how many different people are on stage going nuts at that point! (we hand off most of our instruments and mics to friends or people in the crowd. So it's our band plus 2,3,4, or 5 extra people!) 
Q. What has been your favorite band to tour with so far?
A.That's tough to say! We love playing shows with all our friends. 
Q. If you could go on tour with any band, who would it be, and why?
A. Again, most people would guess this: THE CHARIOT! They come to the stage with that same insanity and passion that we bring and they are our favorite band to listen to and watch. So it would be a win/win. 
Q. What has been the most interesting tour so far?
A. Our last two were pretty interesting. We came home with more money than we left with! We also had a day off and worked on a farm to earn money to pay to fix our van. Who can say they have done that? Haha 
Q. What is the craziest thing that has happened at one of your shows?
A.Thats a tough question... The first thing that comes to mind is a Show at the Reverb in Tulsa where Grant accidently hit Nolan in the head with his broken tuning peg. he bled so much that the floor and all the people the crowd were literally splattered with blood. I am not over exaggerating! I look at the ground and thought "I don't remember there being red splatter pattern on the floor. OH MY GOD, that's blood!" Nolan was so tough, someone was trying to patch him up, and after he had to not move around for too long he just kicked them away and kept going! Afterwards, his face was literally red from the blood and we and our instruments were all sprinkled or covered with his blood. It was nuts!
Q. What has been your favorite venue so far?
A. Two way tie: the Seven Venue in Douglasville is amazing! The people there are great and they let me hang from stuff. The kids are awesome there too!The other favorite is The lighthouse in Midlothian, there is a low ceiling with rafters and we pretty much just hang from them most of the show. Bobby is amazing there and takes care of the bands.We love the venues and the relationships we get to build with the people who run them and come to the shows!
Q. Any closing words?
A. I love you. And you. And you.
Nolan Ashley
Brendan King
Grant Baril
Gallen Pierce-Lackey

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